• Chairperson: Marina Meireles Pereira Mafia - University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
    Marina Meireles Pereira Mafia is an Assistant Professor at the Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation (TEI), University of Southern Denmark. She holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering at Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (Brazil) and holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) focused on data-driven supply chain. Prior to becoming an Assistant Professor at SDU, she worked in the food industry and as a consultant on Logistic and Supply Chain Management. Her current research interests are related to data science, industry 4.0, simulation, logistics and supply chain management.
  • Co-chairperson: Elias Ribeiro da Silva - University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
    Elias Ribeiro da Silva is an Associate Professor at the Department of Technology and Innovation, University of Southern Denmark. With an interest in strategies and operational capabilities for sustainable competitiveness, current research explores digital manufacturing adoption in Industry 4.0, digital twin, simulation, blockchain, and sustainable operations. His experience embraces automotive and industrial automation industries. Prior studies include PhD degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering.
  • Board Member: Fabiano Armellini - Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
    Fabiano Armellini , eng. D.Sc., is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering and director of the Globalization and Management of Technology (GMT) research group at Polytechnique Montréal in Canada. He holds B.Eng., M.Sc. and D.Sc. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil. Prior to professorship, Dr. Armellini worked for 10 years as a practitioner in innovation management and new product development engineering, mainly in the aerospace and defense sectors, and is the co-founder of two successful consulting companies in the field. In research, Dr. Armellini is the author of more than 70 publications, including articles, book chapters, technical reports and conference communications. His research interests lie on innovation management, techno-entrepreneurship and new product development, with a particular interest to open and collaborative innovation and strategic technology management at the firm level .
  • Board Member: Francesco Facchini - Politecnico di Bari, Italy
    Francesco Facchini is a researcher at Politecnico di Bari, Italy, His main research activity focuses on the development of mathematical models to optimize the internal and external logistics under economic and environmental perspectives. Possible applications include: Logistics of Municipal Solid Waste Integrated Management Systems; warehouse layout optimization by minimizing forklift’s path according to order picking strategies; minimizing GHG emissions due to material handling of containers in port and in dry port. His proposed mission in the academic environment is twofold: 1) promoting selective research programs between high- school and university dedicated to talented young students with a demonstrated interest in the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields; 2) strengthening and expanding the existing collaborative relationships between Italian and international Institutions to encourage multidisciplinary transfer of knowledge and technologies.
  • Board Member: Francis Bowen - Butler University, USA
    Dr. Bowen holds a bachelors and a master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, 2005 and 2007) and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (2013). Since early in his career, Dr. Bowen got involved in technology applications of data analysis and image processing with impacts way beyond academia. His applied research has impacted industries, such as aerospace & defense, medical devices, wellness, and security. After finishing his Ph.D. and being a found member of several start-up technology companies; Dr. Bowen recognized the importance of business skills and earned his MBA from Butler in 2019. During his time at Butler, Dr. Bowen had the chance to reconnect with academia, lead award-winning research with a colleague, and reignite his passion for teaching and educating the next generation. As a tenure track faculty in data analytics, Dr. Bowen has been sharing his passion about insights hidden in data and exploring different techniques to uncover them with Butler students. His research interests include image processing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and how these methods can be applied supply chain resiliency. 
  • Board Member: Janaina Siegler - Butler University, USA
    Janaina Siegler, or simply Jane, is an Assistant Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the Lacy School of Business at Butler University since 2018. She holds a Ph.D. from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) in Sao Paulo, Brazil (2015). As part of her Ph.D., Jane also spent three years as a visiting scholar at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University in Indianapolis, IN, where she also taught for two years (2014-2016). Jane is an enthusiastic researcher who tries to engage with the business community and leverage research opportunities. Currently, she is conducting research on the following topics: floral supply chains, maritime industry, race cars supply chain, automotive cluster in the U.S., and the impact of the 4.0 industry in the automotive industry. Jane is also a passionate teacher who believes the interaction of research and teaching is very important in the higher education. While conducting research keeps the mind of the professor alive and helps to create new knowledge, the opportunity to share what we learned with others speaks to our humanity and connects us to one another.
  • Anjali Awasthi - Concordia University, Canada
     Dr. Anjali Awasthi is Associate Professor and Concordia University Research Chair (Tier-II) in Connected Sustainable Mobility Systems at Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE), in Concordia University, Montreal. She received a PhD in industrial engineering and automation from INRIA Rocquencourt and University of Metz, France and an M.Tech in Industrial and Management Engineering from IIT, Kanpur. Prior to Concordia, Dr. Awasthi worked at University of British Columbia and University of Laval where she was involved in several projects on industrial applications of operations research. In France, she was involved in many European projects aimed at improving urban mobility in cities, city logistics and on cybernetic transportation systems. Her areas of research are modeling and simulation, data mining, multicriteria decision making, Information Technology and decision making, city logistics, quality assurance in supply chain management, and sustainable supply chain management. Dr. Awasthi has more than 15 years of industry and research experience in these areas and authored books, journal and conference papers on these topics. She is currently serving as the Education Chair for CORS (Canadian Operations Research Society), a senior member of ASQ (American Society for Quality), associate of LSRC (Loyola Sustainability Research Center), and regular member of CIRRELT (Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les Reseaux d’Entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport). She is also the recipient of Eldon Gunn service award (CORS 2018, Halifax) and IEOM Special Recognition Award (4th North American Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Toronto, 2019).
  • Carla Gonçalves Machado - Jönköping University, Sweden
    Carla Machado is Assistant Professor at the Jönköping International Business School in Sweden, where she is also part of the MMTC Research Centre (Media, Management and Transformation Centre) and the Supply Chain Management group in the Business Administration Program. Her current research includes aspects related to sustainable operations management and Industry 4.0, organizational and strategic readiness for technology adoption, and sustainability compliance in supply chain networks. From 2018-2020 Carla held a research/teaching position at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. She has a PhD degree in Industrial Engineering and Systems from the Pontifical Catholic University of Parana (PUCPR), Brazil. She also holds a Master’s degree in Production Engineering, Specialization Degree in Strategic Business Management and Bachelor’s in Public Relations, all three from the University of Sao Paulo State (UNESP), Brazil. During her PhD Program she spent one year as a visiting researcher at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and later she has completed a two-years Post-doctoral Program at Chalmers University, both in Sweden. Dr. Carla has more than 10 years of teaching experience, developed in Brazil and Sweden. She also has more than 10 years of experience working within different types of industries – heavy machines, pulp and chemical – and experience as Sustainability Compliance Auditor for the Inter IKEA Group – auditing and training IKEA suppliers in EUA, Brazil and Argentina. For two years she also was part of the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering, as International Secretary, responsible for organizing international scientific events.
  • Carla Roberta Pereira - Santa Catarina State University, Brazil
    Carla R. Pereira is an assistant professor in the Department of Production and Systems Engineering at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC) – Joinville, Brazil. She holds a B.Eng. (2008) degree in Production Engineering (focused on agroindustry) from the State University of Maringá (Brazil) and, MSc. (2011) and PhD. (2014) degrees in Production Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil), with exchange studies at Cranfield University (School of Management), England. Carla’s research and teaching interests include different topics in supply chain management (such as sustainability, resilience, and KPIs), lean thinking (manufacturing, distribution, healthcare and office), Industry 4.0 and Humanitarian Logistics. She coordinates a research group in supply chain (Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Supply Chain), which currently has two running projects (The KPIs contribution to build supply chain resilience: exploratory study from the context of Industry 4.0; and The application of Lean Tools on Process Improvement). Additionally, Dr. Pereira is part of broad projects from UFSCar about “Resilience and Food Waste Reduction” and “Risk and Recalls in Food Supply Chains” – both supported by FAPESP.
  • Diego Pacheco - Aarhus University, Denmark
    Dr Diego Pacheco is an Associate Professor at the Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences (Aarhus BSS), Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH), DK. He has experience in the academy as a Researcher, Professor, Head of Department and Academic Manager, beyond extensive practical background in the industry and consulting projects. He has authored/co-authored over 200 peer-reviewed articles. His publications have appeared in distinguished journals, including the IJPE, JLCP, JETM, JBIM, IJPLM, among others. He is an ah-doc reviewer to the IJPR, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, PP & C, IJPPM, RC & R, JLCP, among others. His primary research areas include Operations/Supply Chain Management, Digitalization/Industry 4.0, Servitization and Sustainability.
  • Edson Pinheiro de Lima - Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil
    Dr. Edson Pinheiro de Lima is a Professor of Operations & Technology Management at the Industrial & Systems Engineering Department at Pontifical Catholic University of Parana (PUCPR), Brazil. His research and teaching is in operations strategy, performance measurement, management and analytics, strategic management, organizational design and sustainable operations. In 2010 he was a Visiting Professor at the Logistics and Production Engineering Laboratory of the Production Engineering, Business and Statistics Department of the Industrial Engineering School at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain. In 2007 he was also a Visiting Academic at the Operations Management Group of the Warwick Business School, UK. For the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) he has reviewed several proposals and was granted the status of “CNPq Researcher” for two consecutive three-year terms. He has published over 200 articles and book chapters on various aspects of operations management. He is a Director Board Member of the Society for Engineering and Management Systems of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (SEMS/IIE), leading the International Committee. He is a Board Member of the International Foundation for Production Research (IFPR). He serves the Engineering Management Journal (ASEM/USA) as an associate editor. He also is a member of Production Online Journal (ABEPRO), and Product and Production Journal (P&P) editorial scientific council. He has been working as a referee for Production Journal (ABEPRO), Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management (ABEPRO), International Journal of Production Economics (Elsevier/Science Direct), Industrial Management and Data Systems (Emerald), International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (Emerald), Management Research Review (Emerald), Management Decision (Emerald), International Journal of Production Research (Taylor and Francis), IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (Oxford University Press), Engineering Management Journal (ASEM), and Latin American Business Review (Taylor and Francis). He is a founder member of the Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering Groups at Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, were he served as the Head of the Control Systems and Automation Engineering Department and the Industrial and Systems Engineering Graduate Program Coordinator. He was the Higher Education Director of the Campus in the City of Pato Branco at the Federal University of Technology – Parana (UTFPR). He still is a Faculty Member (part time) at the Curitiba Campus of the UTFPR. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), his Master Degree in Electrical Engineering (Automation) from University of Campinas (UNICAMP), and his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Technology – Parana (UTFPR). During his Ph.D. he spent 12 months as a Visiting Researcher at the Logistics and Production Engineering Laboratory of the Production Engineering, Business and Statistics Department of the Industrial Engineering School at Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain.
  • Eduardo Zancul - University of São Paulo, Brazil
    Eduardo Zancul has been Assistant Professor at the Department of Production Engineering of the Polytechnic School at the University of São Paulo (POLI-USP) since 2009. He is a Mechanical Engineer and earned his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at the University of Sao Paulo. Prior to joining USP, Eduardo was a project manager at Bain & Company, a management consultancy company. He was also a research assistant at RWTH Aachen University in Germany between 2005 and 2007 and a Visiting Scholar at Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2015. At POLI-USP, Eduardo is the cofounder and one of the coordinators of InovaLab@POLI. His main research interests include Product Lifecycle Management, Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Education, focusing on Design Education.
  • Elaine Mosconi - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
     Elaine Mosconi is an Associate Professor in Business Technology Management at the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS), Business School, Department of Information Systems and Quantitative Methods. Elaine is head of IntelliLab, a research group on emerging digital technologies in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution and of the Centre of Excellence for Innovative Manufacturing Companies. She collaborates with many multidisciplinary research groups, such as Collaborative Research Network on Supply Chain (SC4), Collaborative Robotics on Manufacturing (CoRoM), Research Pole on Business Intelligence (PRISME) and the WAIM.Network (Work in age of intelligent machine). She holds a PhD in Information Systems from Université Laval, Canada, an MSc in Industrial Engineering from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, B.Sc. in Information Science and Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. She has worked as a researcher and consultant on knowledge management and information systems. Professor Elaine has coauthored papers published in peer-reviewed journals and selected conferences as AoM, HICSS and ECIS. Her current research interests are related to digital transformation, collaborative innovation, business intelligence, Industry 4.0 and decision performance, especially in manufacturing sector context.
  • Elias Ribeiro da Silva - University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
    Elias Ribeiro da Silva is an Associate Professor at the Department of Technology and Innovation, University of Southern Denmark. With an interest in strategies and operational capabilities for sustainable competitiveness, current research explores digital manufacturing adoption in Industry 4.0, digital twin, simulation, blockchain, and sustainable operations. His experience embraces automotive and industrial automation industries. Prior studies include PhD degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering.
  • Enzo Morosini Frazzon - Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
    Prof. Enzo Morosini Frazzon (Dr.-Ing. University of Bremen, 2006 – 2009) is Associate Professor at the Department of Production Engineering/UFSC (2010 – …). He was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Parma (2018 – 2019) and at the University of Bremen (2022 – 2024). He leads projects on the: integration of production and logistic processes; intelligent production and logistic systems; Supply Chains; Optimization; Simulation; Data Analytics; Cyber-physical Systems; Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. He authored 100+ papers in journals and international scientific conferences. He is the leading researcher of ProLogIS/UFSC.
  • Fabiano Armellini - Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
     Fabiano Armellini , eng. D.Sc., is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering and director of the Globalization and Management of Technology (GMT) research group at Polytechnique Montréal in Canada. He holds B.Eng., M.Sc. and D.Sc. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil. Prior to professorship, Dr. Armellini worked for 10 years as a practitioner in innovation management and new product development engineering, mainly in the aerospace and defense sectors, and is the co-founder of two successful consulting companies in the field. In research, Dr. Armellini is the author of more than 70 publications, including articles, book chapters, technical reports and conference communications. His research interests lie on innovation management, techno-entrepreneurship and new product development, with a particular interest to open and collaborative innovation and strategic technology management at the firm level.
  • Francesco Facchini - Politecnico di Bari, Italy
    Francesco Facchini is a researcher at Politecnico di Bari, Italy, His main research activity focuses on the development of mathematical models to optimize the internal and external logistics under economic and environmental perspectives. Possible applications include: Logistics of Municipal Solid Waste Integrated Management Systems; warehouse layout optimization by minimizing forklift’s path according to order picking strategies; minimizing GHG emissions due to material handling of containers in port and in dry port. His proposed mission in the academic environment is twofold: 1) promoting selective research programs between high- school and university dedicated to talented young students with a demonstrated interest in the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields; 2) strengthening and expanding the existing collaborative relationships between Italian and international Institutions to encourage multidisciplinary transfer of knowledge and technologies.
  • Francis Bowen - Butler University, USA
    Dr. Bowen holds a bachelors and a master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, 2005 and 2007) and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (2013). Since early in his career, Dr. Bowen got involved in technology applications of data analysis and image processing with impacts way beyond academia. His applied research has impacted industries, such as aerospace & defense, medical devices, wellness, and security. After finishing his Ph.D. and being a found member of several start-up technology companies; Dr. Bowen recognized the importance of business skills and earned his MBA from Butler in 2019. During his time at Butler, Dr. Bowen had the chance to reconnect with academia, lead award-winning research with a colleague, and reignite his passion for teaching and educating the next generation. As a tenure track faculty in data analytics, Dr. Bowen has been sharing his passion about insights hidden in data and exploring different techniques to uncover them with Butler students. His research interests include image processing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and how these methods can be applied supply chain resiliency.
  • Francisco Ignácio Giocondo César - University of Campinas, Brazil
    Francisco Giocondo César has been a Professor at the Industrial Department of Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP – Campus Piracicaba) since 2011. He is also an invited researcher in the Production Engineering Graduate Program at the Campinas State University (FCA – UNICAMP – Limeira). He is a Mechanical Engineer (UNESP) that obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Production Engineering at the Methodist University of Piracicaba – UNIMEP, and he is currently in his post-doctorate in Production Engineering at FCA – UNICAMP. He has certified qualifications in Project Management (PMI) and Green Belt. Professional experience of 23 years as an International Project Manager on TRW and Caterpillar Brazil. Francisco is a founding member of the SC4 (Collaborative Research Network on Supply Chain 4.0), member of Engineer Association Brazil – Germany (VDI) and National Association of Research and Development of Innovative Companies (ANPEI). His current research interests are related to Lean Production, Six Sigma, Industry 4.0, and emergent Technologies.
  • Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga - Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
    Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga is a Professor in Industrial Engineering Department of Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) Brazil. He holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from University of São Paulo (USP) focused on supply chain performance management using fuzzy logic and SCOR Model. Professor Ganga has published papers in journals with a selective review process (for example, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research and Quality and Reliability Engineering International). His current research interests are related to emergent Technologies in Logístics and Supply Chain Management.
  • Glauco Henrique de Sousa Mendes - Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
    Glauco Mendes is an Associate Professor at the Production Engineering Department of the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil), teaching mainly Quality Management and Service Management courses for undergraduate and graduate students at the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil). Currently, I am the coordinator of the Graduate Program, which includes Master and Ph.D. courses in Production Engineering. I hold a Master and a Ph.D. in Production Engineering, specializing in service management and servitization both from the University of São Carlos. I also served as visiting professor at Denmark Technical University (DTU), Denmark. I hold a CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship – Level 2. 
  • Ieda Kanashiro Makiya - University of Campinas, Brazil
    Ieda Kanashiro Makiya is Professor in Quality Management at State University of Campinas – UNICAMP, School of Applied Sciences, Brazil. She holds a Postdoctoral on Sustainability indicators from Climate Change Laboratory, University of Florida, USA; PhD in Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo – USP, Brazil; and MSc and BSc in Food Engineering, respectively, from State University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Brazil, and University of São Paulo State – UNESP, Brazil. Ieda is coordinator of SB-LAB, Sustainable Business Laboratory on CNPq basis. Her current research interests are related to Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Sustainability, Creative Economy and novel business models for innovative value chain management.
  • Izabela Rampasso - Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
    Izabela Simon Rampasso is professor at Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile. She holds B.Sc. in Economic Sciences at Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (Brazil) and M.Sc. and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Campinas (Brazil). She has more than 50 articles published in international journals. Currently, she conducts research on sustainability, engineering education and topics related to management of productive systems. 
  • Janaina Siegler - Butler University, USA
    Janaina Siegler, or simply Jane, is an Assistant Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the Lacy School of Business at Butler University since 2018. She holds a Ph.D. from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) in Sao Paulo, Brazil (2015). As part of her Ph.D., Jane also spent three years as a visiting scholar at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University in Indianapolis, IN, where she also taught for two years (2014-2016). Jane is an enthusiastic researcher who tries to engage with the business community and leverage research opportunities. Currently, she is conducting research on the following topics: floral supply chains, maritime industry, race cars supply chain, automotive cluster in the U.S., and the impact of the 4.0 industry in the automotive industry. Jane is also a passionate teacher who believes the interaction of research and teaching is very important in the higher education. While conducting research keeps the mind of the professor alive and helps to create new knowledge, the opportunity to share what we learned with others speaks to our humanity and connects us to one another.
  • Jannis Angelis - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
    Docent in operations strategy at the department of Industrial Engineering and Management, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He received his PhD from Cambridge focusing on operational flexibility at P&G. He also explored strategy at Harvard, flexibility and productivity in knowledge-intensive firms at Stanford and Berkeley, the human side lean at Cambridge, high-performance organisations in aerospace at Oxford and MIT. With previous teachings at Cambridge, Warwick and Stockholm, he is a country champion on teaching excellence at Oxford university’s education society, researcher at the Institute of Industrial Economics, and Professor of Digitalisation at the Gunilla Bradley Centre. His current research interests include algorithmic management, change management, service strategies and blockchain.
  • Jean-François Audy - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada
  • João Guilherme Machado - São Paulo State University, Brazil
    João Guilherme Machado is graduated in Animal Science (1997) from UNESP (São Paulo State University), Master degree (2002) and PhD (2007) in Production Engineering both from UFSCar (the Federal University of Sao Carlos) and Post-doctor (2019) from UNESP. Currently, he works as an associate professor at UNESP, Faculty of Science and Engineering (FCE) since 2019. Professor Machado has experience teaching and managing the Business Administration undergraduate program as well as the Agribusiness and Development graduate program. Researcher at the Administration and Agribusiness Research Center (CEPEAGRO) and the Information, Knowledge and Organizational Intelligence Research Group (ICIO), his research interests are related to the management of rural organizations, management of agro-industrial systems, information management, strategic marketing and service innovation.
  • Joseane Pontes - Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil
    Joseane Pontes is Associate Professor at the Department of Production Engineering of Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) and researcher of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção (PPGEP). Her research interests are in the field of Industry 4.0, education 4.0 quality management, quality 4.0, social responsibility, new job profiles and skills in the context of industry 4.0. She is member of the “EORE” (Engenharia Organizacional e Redes de Empresa) and Industry 4.0 Research Groups. She is coordinator of Quality Engineering Specialization (UTFPR) and Vice-Coordinatior of the MDIC 001/2018 Testbed Educational Digital Project.
  • Jovane Medina Azevedo - Santa Catarina State University, Brazil
    Jovane Medina Azevedo is an assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration at Santa Catarina State University – UDESC (Brazil) and editorial board member of the Journal of Supply Chain Relocation (JSCR) and the World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR). He holds B. Eng. (1995) in Civil Engineering from Universidade da Amazonia (Unama, Brazil), MSc. (1998) and Dr. Eng. (2002) degrees in Industrial Engineering from Santa Catarina Federal University (Brazil). He is currently performing postdoctotal research at the Jönköping University (Sweden). Professor Jovane was the Dean of International Affairs at UDESC and coordinator (Brazil chapter) of REDULAC (Red Universitaria de Latinoamérica y el Caribe para Reducción de Riesgo de Desastres) from 2010 to 2012. He is co-founder of two consulting companies focused in supply chain, strategic planning, business logistics, warehouse management, International Marketing and Recruitment. Professor Jovane is currently coordinator of two exchange projects that involves internships for undergraduate students from UDESC, Jönköping University and Hochschule Merseburg. Dr. Jovane’s research interests lie on innovation management, open innovation, decision-making, Reshoring, sustainable supply chain management, waste management, industry 4.0, technological entrepreneurship and new product development.
  • Juliana Veiga Mendes - Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
    Juliana Veiga Mendes is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of São Carlos-Brazil, Department of Industrial Engineering. She holds a Ph.D.. and an M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering both from the University of São Paulo-USP, Brazil, a B.Sc in Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. Professor Juliana Mendes has published papers in peer-reviewed journals, congresses and book chapters. She is also an ad-hoc referee in Brazilian and international journals. Her current research interests are related to sustainability aspects in reverse logistics, production planning, lean manufacturing and the emergent technologies in a manufacturing context. Currently, she is a visiting professor (2016-2017) at Université de Sherbrooke, École de Gestion, (PRISME – Pôle de recherche in intelligence stratégique et multidimensionelle d’enterprise), Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • Kleber Francisco Espôsto - University of São Paulo, Brazil
    Kleber F. Espôsto is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Production Engineering of the São Carlos Engineering School of the University of São Paulo (EESC-USP). He received his BS, M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Sao Paulo. Prior to become a Professor at USP (in 2010), Kleber worked as a consultant on Supply Chain Management and Lean Manufacturing for ten years. His main research topics of interest are on multiple and dynamic Supply Chains Management, Production Planning and Control and Lean Thinking applied on manufacturing, healthcare and office environments.
  • Kristin Vogelsang - Osnabrück University, Germany
    Dr. Kristin Vogelsang works at the Chair of Business Administration/Organization and Information Systems at the University of Osnabrück. In teaching and research, she focusses on the possibilities and challenges of digital transformation. In her work, Dr. Vogelsang combines the fields project management, digital teaching, production management, and business process management. Her research aims at a sustainable and socio-technical embedding and successful interchange.
  • Luciana Rosa Leite - Santa Catarina State University, Brazil
    Luciana Rosa Leite, D.Sc is an assistant professor in the Department of Production and System Engineering at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC) – Joinville, Brazil. She holds B.Eng. (2007) degree in Agronomy and MSc. (2010) degree in Production Engineering, both from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). In 2014, she obtained a D.Sc degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil), with exchange studies at Virginia Tech Institute (College of Engineering) in the USA. Luciana’s research and teaching interests include different topics in sustainability and quality management (such as green or sustainable supply chain, performance indicators (KPIs), and resilience) and lean thinking (manufacturing, distribution, healthcare and office). She is a member of a research group in supply chain (Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Supply Chain), in which she currently has three running projects (The Role of Sustainable Practices in Resilience Supply Chains; The Influence of KPIs in creating Resilience in Supply Chains; and The application of Lean Tools on Process Improvement).
  • Luis Antonio Santa-Eulalia - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
    Luis Antonio de Santa-Eulalia is an Associate Professor in Operations Management at the Université de Sherbrooke, Business School, Canada. He holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Université Laval, Canada, a MSc and a BSc both in Industrial Engineering, respectively, from University of São Paulo, Brazil, and Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. Luis is a founding member of the IntelliLab, a research group dedicated to the study of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the “Réseau Innovation 4.0 Network”, and of the SC4 (Collaborative Research Network on Supply Chain 4.0). He is also a regular researcher or collaborator of diverse research groups, including the CRISI (“Consortium de recherche en ingénierie des systèmes industriels 4.0”), the CoRoM (Collaborative Robotics in Manufacturing), the Poly-Industrie 4.0, CEGEMI (“Centre d’excellence en gestion de l’entreprise manufacutière innovante”), Productique Québec and the FORAC Research Consortium. He has worked as a researcher and consultant in the domains of emerging technologies, operations and supply chain management and sustainable development. Professor Luis has coauthored more than 140 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at conferences with selective editorial policies, including International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning and Control, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, International Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Logistics, and so forth. His current research interests are related to emergent technologies and novel business models and practices for innovative and sustainable value chain management.
  • Marcos José Barbieri Ferreira - University of Campinas, Brazil
  • Marina Meireles Pereira Mafia - University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
    Marina Meireles Pereira Mafia is an Assistant Professor at the Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation (TEI), University of Southern Denmark. She holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering at Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (Brazil) and holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) focused on data-driven supply chain. Prior to becoming an Assistant Professor at SDU, she worked in the food industry and as a consultant on Logistic and Supply Chain Management. Her current research interests are related to data science, industry 4.0, simulation, logistics and supply chain management.
  • Mario Henrique Callefi - Federal University of São Carlos, Germany
    Mario Henrique Callefi is an Associate Researcher in the Chair of Factory Planning and Intralogistics at Chemnitz University of Technology. Prior studies include PhD degree in Industrial Engineering in the Department of Production Engineering at Federal University of São Carlos (UFScar), and experience in simulation projects.
  • Michael David de Souza Dutra - Federal University of Goias, Brazil
    Dr. Michael Dutra is a joint professor at Federal University of Goias. He holds a Ph.D. in Applied Math. by Polytechnique Montréal, MSc. degrees both in Industrial Engineering by Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and in Computer Science by Institut Supérieur d’Informatique, Modélisation et leurs Applications, and BSc. degrees both in Computer Engineering by ISIMA and in Industrial Engineering by UFMG. His research interests include mathematical optimization and simulation applied to industry 4.0 and smart grids.
  • Mike Rogerson - Sussex University, UK
    Mike Rogerson is a Lecturer in Operations Management. He holds a PhD in supply chain management, focused on modern slavery in supply chains, from the University of Bath. Prior to undertaking his PhD, Mike held operational roles as a consultant in the UK, USA, and Germany, and in industry in Libya, Qatar, Tanzania, South Africa, and Angola. Mike’s research focuses on sustainable supply chain management, and in particular on human rights and modern slavery in supply chains. This work includes research on technologies that promise supply chain transparency and traceability, including blockchain.
  • Moacir Godinho Filho - University of Le Havre, France
    Moacir Godinho Filho is a full professor of Supply Chain Management, Operations Management and Decision Sciences. He joined EM Normandie in 2022. He has a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos – Brazil, awarded in 2004. He was also a visiting scholar at the University of Wisconsin in Madison (USA), North Carolina State University (USA), and Northwestern University (USA). His research interests are supply chain management, operations management, sustainable operations, industry 4.0, production planning and control, lean manufacturing, and Quick Response Manufacturing. Godinho Filho Moacir has published more than 130 papers in journals with highly selective editorial standards, the great majority with high Impact Factor in Operations Management field (JCR by Thomson Reuters) and indexed in ABS and FNEGE rankings. He is Academic Director of Graduate programs ILPM / SCM.
  • Paulo Leitão - Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
    Paulo Leitão is Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB) and coordinator of the Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI). He has published 4 books and more than 220 papers in international scientific journals and conference proceedings, is co-author of three patents and has participated in several national and international research projects (e.g., FIT4FoF, DA.RE, GO0DMAN, PERFoRM, ARUM, GRACE, DEDEMAS, Maintenance 4.0 and I40@TMAD), and Networks of Excellence. His research interests are in the field of Industry 4.0, intelligent and reconfigurable systems, cyber-physical systems, multi-agent systems, Internet of Things, distributed data analysis, factory automation, holonic systems and self-organized systems. He is member of the International Program Committee (IPC) of several scientific events, and served as general co-chair of several international conferences, namely IFAC IMS’10, HoloMAS’11, IEEE ICARSC’16, SOHOMA’16 and IEEE INDIN’18. He is the chair of the IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Agents and chair of the IEEE P2660.1 Working Group on Recommendation Practices on Industrial Agents: Integration of Software Agents and Low Level Automation Functions.
  • Paulo Sergio de Arruda Ignacio - University of Campinas, Brazil
    Assistant Professor at the School of Applied Sciences (FCA), in State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Holding PhD in Civil Engineering from LALT / DGT / FEC / UNICAMP (2010), in area of Transport Engineering. Holding degree in Industrial Engineering by the Methodist University of Piracicaba – UNIMEP (1985) and a Master’s degree in Quality Management by IMECC/UNICAMP (2001). Referee ad hoc in Brazilian and international journals. He has published papers in journals, magazines and congresses. He coordinates the CENPRO – Industrial Engineering Research Center at FCA/UNICAMP. He has over 15 years’ experience lecturing, researching and consulting in manufacturing and services industries, with emphasis expertise areas in operations management, logistics, supply chain management, productivity, warehousing, quality and performance measurement, including system modeling and operational research. Additional expertise CQA – Certified Quality Auditor by ASQ – American Society for Quality (since 1997); Instructor of Quality Auditor Preparation course (2013); Instructor of Business Simulation Software for graduation programs (since 2003); Brazilian Quality Award Examiner (from 2001 to 2006); Developing and auditing new suppliers; Project manager consulting in quality, manufacturing, logistics and strategy developing. Interests research in: lean healthcare, operations management, logistics, supply chain management, productivity, warehousing, quality and performance measurement, including system modeling and operational research with blockchain.
  • Pedro Gerum - Cleveland State University, USA
    Dr. Pedro Gerum is an Assistant Professor at the OSM department in the Monte Ahuja College of Business at Cleveland State University. Originally from Brazil, he obtained his Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Rutgers University. Pedro has experience developing and implementing machine-learning applications at American Express. He has also worked in the development of deep-learning models for the classification of exoplanets at NASA Ames in California. Pedro’s research focuses on transportation optimization for supply chain reliability, including stochastic modeling, game theory, data science, and machine learning.
  • Romeo Bandinelli - University of Florence, Italy
    Romeo Bandinelli is Associate Professor at the department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence, Italy. He teaches Project and Product Lifecycle Management for the Management Master Course and is scientific director of the laboratories “AGRItech COmmunity for Learning and Application” and “Fashion for Future” of the same University. He is a member of the IFIP WG 5.1 “Global Product development for the whole lifecycle.
  • Rosley Anholon - University of Campinas, Brazil
    Mechanical Engineer (University of Campinas – 2001); Master in Materials and Manufacturing Processes (University of Campinas – 2003) and PhD in Materials and Manufacturing Processes (University of Campinas – 2006). Academically, worked in both public and private institutions teaching undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has interest and develops research in the areas of Production Management, Quality Management Systems, Logistics, Sustainability and Industry 4.0. Published 24 articles in Brazilians and international journals, 34 articles in congresses proceedings, 1 book chapter about Corporate Social Responsibility and 2 book chapters about the application of Lean and Six Sigma practices. Develops researches in association with professors from Fluminense Federal University (Brazil) and University of Hamburg (Germany, School of Applied Sciences). Participated as member in master and doctoral degree committees at University of São Paulo and Fluminense Federal University. Currently, he is professor at University of Campinas (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering). Supervised 4 master’s degree dissertations and 1 doctoral thesis (all researches concluded) and is the mentor of 7 other master’s students at the moment.
  • Rui Tadashi Yoshino - Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil
    Post-doctorate at the Université de Sherbrooke (Quebec-Canada) in Industry 4.0. Coordinator Living Lab. Coordinator Industry 4.0 Lab. Leader of Industry 4.0 Research Group on the CNPQ basis. One of the creators of the Collaborative Research Network on Supply Chain 4.0. MDIC Edital Coordinator 001/2018 Theme: Digital Educational Testbed. Coordinator – Industry 4.0 MBA course – In Company KLABIN. PhD in Production Engineering (EESC / USP). Master in Energy Systems Planning (UNICAMP). Graduation in Production Engineering (UFSCar). Associate Professor – Production Engineering at the Federal Technological University of Paraná. Chercheur invité – Universite de Quebec a Montreal (TéLUQ-UQAM). Participant as a researcher in the SB-LAB Research Group – Sustainable Business Laboratory -UNICAMP and CENPRO – Production Engineering Research Center (UNICAMP). He has over 30 years of experience in the field of Production Engineering and Production Systems (academia and companies) ), with an emphasis on Industry 4.0 and 3D Printing, acting mainly on the following themes: Industry 4.0, 3D Printing, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Production Planning & Control, Logistic, Lean Healthcare, Lean Manufacturing, Social Network Analysis, Agent-based Simulation. Journals Reviewer: Journal of Cleaner Production, Production, Magazine of Industrial Management and Production Management, IEEE.
  • Sachin Jayaswal - Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India
    Sachin Jayaswal is an Associate Professor in the Production & Quantitative Methods Area at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA). His research interests include Facility Location, Network Design, Large-Scale Optimization, and Game-Theoretic Models in Supply Chains. Sachin has provided consulting services to private organizations like Sabarmati gas Ltd., and also to Government agencies like the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), India. Sachin obtained his Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the University of Waterloo, Canada, M.Tech in Industrial Engineer & Operations Research from IIT Bombay, and B.Sc. (Engg.) in Electrical Engineering, with Gold Medal, from Bhagalpur college of Engineering. Prior to his PhD, he worked in the IT industry for some time.
  • Sven Packmohr - Malmö University, Sweden
    Sven received his Ph.D. in Strategic Management in the Digital Economy from the University of Osnabrück, Germany. After, he worked for universities in Oman, Sweden, and Turkey. Currently, he is involved in a research project with fellows in Germany called digital transformation. The aim is to identify drivers, factors for acceptance and barriers which foster or hinder the application of digital transformation. Next steps are comparisons between countries and evolvement into other industries. Sven is also a member of the Data Society, which is a multidisciplinary research program started at Malmö University.
  • Virginia Fani - University of Florence, Italy
    Virginia Fani is a postdoctoral researcher at the Industrial Engineering Department of the University of Florence. Her main research activities deal with supply chain, production and product lifecycle management. Her current research interests are focused on the application of algorithms and technologies to improve industrial outcomes, both from economic and environmental perspectives. Simulation modelling and data mining techniques are the main tools used to support scenario analyses and ‘from data to knowledge’ scopes respectively, mostly developed according to a data-driven approach. The main industry she has experience with is the fashion one, with a particular attention to its peculiarities such as the uncertain demand and High Variety / Low Volume environment to manage.
  • William de Paula Ferreira - Federal Institute of São Paulo, Brazil
    William de Paula Ferreira is a Ph.D. Candidate at Polytechnique Montréal (Canada). He holds a MSc. in Industrial Engineering by Tallinn University of Technology – TUT (Estonia) and Royal Institute of Technology – KTH (Sweden). Spec. in Industrial Management by Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (Brazil). BSc. in Industrial Engineering by Engineering Faculty of Minas Gerais (Brazil). Technician in Electronics by Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (Brazil). He pursues over ten years of experience in Industry as an industrial engineer and industrial supervisor, mostly in multinationals of the automotive and petrochemical sectors (e.g., IVECO/CNH, PETRONAS, BOSCH). He is currently an associate professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP). His current research interests include: Lean Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Modeling and Simulation, and Applied Operational Research.
  • Ana Cristina Barros - INESC TE, Portugal
    Ana Cristina Barros, PhD is a senior researcher at INESC TEC in the field of supply chain and technology management. She has been visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, CMU (2014/2015; 2012), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT (2008-2011), and Cornell University (2002). Ana Barros obtained a PhD in Engineering and Management (Technical University of Lisbon, 2011), a MBA in Logistics and Entrepreneurship (Technical University of Munich, 2004), and a M.S. and B.S. in Chemical Engineering (University of Porto, 2000). Before starting her academic career, Ana Barros obtained professional experience in Portugal, Germany and the USA in planning, logistics, purchasing, and urban and agricultural waste management. At INESC TEC, Ana Barros has been involved in several National and European research projects (e.g. E4Value, ADVENTURE, BEinCPPS, and NEXT-NET) and in the development of consultancy services in the area of technology management and Industry 4.0. Currently, she is the EIT Manufacturing Program Manager @ INESC TEC (https://eitmanufacturing.eu/) and Management Team Member of iMan Norte Hub (https://www.imannortehub.com/).  
  • Anibal Tavares de Azevedo - University of Campinas, Brazil
    He received the B.Sc. degree in Applied Computational Mathematics in 1999, as well as the M.Sc. and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering (2002 and 2006) from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Electrical and Computer Engineering School at UNICAMP from 2006 to 2007.Currently, he is a Professor at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). His research interests are the development of exact and combinatorial optimization, heuristics and simulation models and representation by rules for solving the following applied problems: electrical energy system planning and operation, port logistics and operation, hub network design for soybean supply chain and health care, and multicriteria methods and optimization for R&D portfolio composition.
  • Fabio Favaretto - Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil
    Fabio Favaretto is Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal de Itajubá (Minas Gerais state). He is a Industrial Engineer and had his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at the University of São Paulo. He worked with information systems development and consulting at his own enterprise before his professor career. He made a post doctoral research about service management at Universidad Complutense in Spain. His research interests are in the areas of Information Quality and Business Intelligence. 
  • Ricardo Zimmermann - INESC TE, Portugal
    Post-doc researcher at the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC), Portugal. His qualification includes a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management by the University of Aveiro, a Master in Management by the University of Aveiro, a Master in Business Administration by SENAI (National Service of Industrial Learning), Brazil and a BS in Management by the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. His research interests include supply chain management, supply chain strategies, digital supply chain transformation, innovation management and the relationship between supply chains and innovation. Ricardo has work experience in companies in Portugal and Brazil in areas such as: strategic management, quality management, project management, costs management and innovation. Ricardo has also acted as a consultant and as a quality auditor.
  • Alexandre Castro - Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Brazil
    Alexandre Castro is a Solution Engineering Advisor of INTERACTTI, a São Paulo-based transformative projects group, and Data Scientist in a ITC Services Brazilian agency. He has previously worked as COO, Data Scientist and Analytics Consultant, and has acting as researcher on Artificial Intelligence domains, and as an instructor of scientific methodology and software engineering disciplines in Postgraduate Programs.PhD Candidate in Industrial and Systems Engineering (PUCPR), holds a M.Sc. in Control and Automation Engineering (PUCPR), and MBA in Business Strategy (IBMEC-SP). His research spans over topics about Enterprise Engineering, Business Strategy, Software Engineering, Performance Measurement Systems, Interoperability, Analytics, Analysis and Decision Methods in Uncertainty, Simulation, Systems Dynamics, Bayesian Reasoning, Machine Learning, Big Data, IoT, Relational and No-Relational Databases, Project Management, Risk Analysis, Product Design, and Product Lifecycle Management. He is a very enthusiast of MATLAB, C++, R Language, Python, KNIME, Anaconda and Spark Ecosystem. He is fluent in English, Portuguese, with good knowledge of French and Spanish. Thesis Title: Inferential Processes with Machine Learning Approaches from Low-probability Events in Uncertainty: The Support to Near-time Decision in Human and Cyber-Physical Systems. Supervisor: Edson Pinheiro de Lima.
  • Anis Assad Neto - Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Brazil
    Anis has a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Currently, he is a PhD candidate in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Graduate Program at Pontifical Catholic University of Parana (PUCPR). His research focuses on Operations and Technology Management, addressing specially the implementation of digital technologies in industry. Anis has received an outstanding student award during his time at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and is a regional winner / national finalist of the SEBRAE (Brazilian Micro and Small Enterprises’ Support Service) management challenge. Thesis Title: Paving the way to the digital transformation of operations: a process approach to structure implementation. Supervisor: Fernando Deschamps.
  • Bernardo Perota Barreto - Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil
    Bernardo is a graduate student in Industrial Engineering at UTFPR-PG (2014-2020) and a member of the Industry 4.0 research group at UTFPR-PG. Thesis Title: Propose a methodology for assessing skills in the context of Industry 4.0. Supervisor: Joseane Pontes.
  • Cassiano Souza Beller - Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Brazil
    Cassiano S Beller is Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering at Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR, 2001), MSc (PUCPR, 2018) and PhD candidate in Production and Systems Engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR, started in 2018) in the field of Production Management and Logistics and Specialist in Lean Manufacturing at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR, 2015) with Black Belt Certification. Has experience in product development and industrial processes with greater emphasis on automotive and white goods areas. Nowadays works as a Research Engineer for the Araucaria Foundation about Industry 4.0 theme, besides as a visiting professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná and FAE University. Thesis Title: TBD. Supervisor: Fernando Deschamps .
  • Catarina Junqueira - University of Campinas, Brazil
    Catarina has a degree in Management of International Commerce (2012), a master’s degree in Operational Research (2015) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering (2019), all from the University of Campinas. Mainly, my work is on the following themes: development and implementation of mathematical models, heuristic, meta-heuristic or simulation solutions for the container relocation problem at the port yard and the stowage planning problem. . Thesis Title: Integrated Modeling of the Multi Port Stowage Planning and the Containers Relocation in Port Yards. Supervisor: Anibal Tavares de Azevedo.
  • Erick de Freitas Moura - University of Campinas, Brazil
    Erick de Freitas Moura is an Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas – UFAM, Brazil, since 2018. He holds a MSc and a BSc in Administration from the Federal University of Uberlândia – UFU, Brazil. Erick is a member of SB-LAB, Sustainable Business Laboratory on CNPq basis. He is currently pursuing a doctorate at the University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Brasil, and his areas of interest are Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities. Thesis Title: TBD. Supervisor: Ieda Kanashiro Makiya.
  • Gustavo Tietz Cazeri - University of Campinas, Brazil
    Gustavo Cazeri is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Process and Materials) at University of Campinas (UNICAMP) focused on Industry 4.0. MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Process and Materials) from University of Campinas (UNICAMP) focused on sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Master Business Administration (MBA) at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) focused on Business Management and Mechanical Engineer (University of São Paulo State – UNESP, Brazil). Professor experience in Engineering graduation courses and professional experience on supply chain (logistics and production management) and commercial areas in automotive industry. Thesis Title: TBD. Supervisor: Rosley Anholon.
  • Guy Bertrand - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
    Thesis Title: Strategic planning and I4.0 Roadmap in SMEs. Supervisor: Luis Antonio De Santa-Eulalia.
  • Ilaria Bucci - University of Florence, Italy
    Ilaria holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Management Engineering from the University of Florence (UNIFI). Currently, she is a Ph.D. student in Industrial Engineering at the University of Florence. Her research primarily revolves around Operations and Supply Chain management within the manufacturing sector, with a distinct emphasis on Industry 5.0 and the principles of lean management. Thesis Title: Using lean principles for industry 4.0 to evolve to industry 5.0 in manufacturing and Supply Chain. Supervisor: Romeo Bandinelli.
  • José Leonardo Takahashi - University of Campinas, Brazil
    Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering – State University of Campinas (2009/2013). Master’s Degree in Operational Research – State University of Campinas (2014/2015). PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering – State University of Campinas (2016/2020). Experience in ​​Production Engineering with emphasis on Linear, Non-Linear, Mixed and Dynamic Programming; Simulation and Metaheuristics. Current research area in Artificial Neural Networks. Thesis Title: Mathematical Model, Parametrized Heuristic and Machine Learning Solving Integrated Port Problems. Supervisor: Anibal Tavares de Azevedo.
  • Leandro Feitosa Jorge - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
    Leandro is a research scientist working to understand how Enterprise social media supports organizations to become more efficient and innovative to face the digital transformation environment. In 2017, motivated by a passion for academic research, I started a DBA (Doctor Business Administration) at the University of Sherbrooke. I am an innovative teacher and an experienced senior manager with more than ten years of experience in the banking market. An enthusiastic, adaptive, and fast-learning person that enjoys collaborating and developing new skills. My expertise includes promoting organizational change and managing people and processes to achieve sustainable results. Thesis Title: Enterprise Social Media to foster Digital Transformation. Supervisor: Elaine Mosconi.
  • Leonardo Breno Pessoa da Silva - Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil
    Leonardo Silva is a Master Student in Production Engineering, in the Industrial Management concentration area, at the Federal University Technological – Paraná, where participates in the Research Group on Organizational Engineering and Business Networks (EORE) with a focus on Industry 4.0 and Management Human Resource and works skills. Thesis Title: Proposal of a Skills Measurement Model for the effective development of work in the context of Industry 4.0. Supervisor: Joseane Pontes.
  • Ramon Soltovski - Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil
    Ramon Soltovski is a Chemical Engineer graduated from UTFPR and master in production engineering from the same institution. I have a Green Belt course and an internal auditor course ISO 90001 and 14001. I am currently a staff member of the paper company Klabin in the technical customer service area. Actively researching with a focus on Industry 4.0 and its impact on the supply chain. Thesis Title: Theoretical model categorization of risks arising from the implementation of Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing sector. Supervisor: Joseane Pontes.
  • Tinhinane Chikhi - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
    Tinhinane is a doctorate student in Business Administration (DBA) at the University of Sherbrooke, Business School, Department of Information Systems and Quantitative Methods. Previously, I completed a master’s in mechanical engineering: Hydrocarbons Transport and distribution. After finishing my master’s I worked as a teacher assistant, then I occupied the position of a design engineer and just before starting my doctorate I was working as a project engineer. My main research interest is related to the Industry 4.0 and the use of blockchain technology in enhancing the sustainability of supply chains. Thesis Title: The adoption of blockchain technology in the global supply chain to enhance sustainability based on the Triple Bottom Line approach. Supervisor: Elaine Mosconi.
  • Thales Volpe Rodrigues - Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil
    Thales Rodrigues is a Production Engineer, State University of Minas Gerais, UEMG, Passos, (Conclusion 2018). Specialization in Production Engineering, by Faculdade Única de Ipatinga, FUNIP (Conclusion in 2019), Master’s course in progress by Federal Technological University of Paraná UTFPR – Ponta Grossa. Works in the area of production planning and control management (PCP). With experience in the areas of Purchasing, Costs, Logistics, Quality, Maintenance Planning and Control (PCM), Process Improvement and Project Management. Consulting services in São Sebastião do Paraíso and region, in the areas of costs, process improvement, restructuring and layout adaptation, among others. Thesis Title: A Model for measuring the level of industry readiness for Industry 4.0 implementation. Supervisor: Rui Tadashi Yoshino.
  • Vitor William Batista Martins - University of Campinas, Brazil
    Victor Martins is currently lecturer at the Department of Production Engineering – State University of Pará and PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Campinas. Experienced in Operations Management with focus on Logistics Sytems and Sustainability. He holds B.Sc in Production Engineering at the University of Amazônia (UNAMA) and M.Sc in Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). a. Thesis Title: Roadmap for insertion of sustainability in logistic systems. Supervisor: Rosley Anholon.