-Bio-note: I’m Danilo Tagliolato, 22 years old, born in Campinas, Brazil. Studying Manufacturing Engineering since 2014 at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) in Campinas, Brazil. During the last 7 months I started an Undergraduate Research about supply chains in the Industry 4.0 with Prof. Cristiano Morini (UNICAMP) as my supervisor.

-Title of the project: Industry 4.0 and the full integration of supply chains.

-Description: The article was designed in three parts. First, it presents the identification of the main characteristics of the technologies of the Industry 4.0. The research then explores the management of current supply chains in a globalized context and the challenges faced by multinationals. The final part is about how Industry 4.0 technologies can operate within supply chains in a globalized world. Data were collected through a systematic review of the literature, also considering the work of consulting firms, available in English and German languages. According to the survey, Industry 4.0 seeks to optimize industrial processes through standardization, with the help of new technologies such as Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things and Smart Data, increasing product variability and flexibility. The global supply chain deals with a multinational association with its suppliers and customers around the world, making it complex and fragile to any market oscillation. The technologies of Industry 4.0 seek to simplify the management of these chains, in which the interaction between the physical and the virtual world is essential for the company to supervise the movement of its merchandise along this network of supplies, arising terms like “Control Towers”. The visibility of a supply chain will be a key factor for global supply chains.

-Keywords: Industry 4.0, Supply Chains, Internet of Things, Visibility, Cyber-Physical Systems.

Contact: danilo.tagli@gmail.com